Saturday, March 25, 2006

Cherry Blossom Balloon Fest and Airshow

The 2006 Cherry Blossom Balloon Fest and Airshow
continues today...all day. The winds were up to high for some of the balloons this morning, but we are hopeful for a calmer evening for the balloon glow. Despite the winds, the helicopters and airplanes have been buzzing my house all day long. I am beginning to think that perhaps the Japanese are attacking Pearl Harbor again. A few minutes ago, there were several loud explosions from over at the airport....about a mile away from here. As that I did not hear about any crashes, I am assuming that it was a staged bombing run. In any case, the aircraft are buzzing about, like angry hornets. Once twilight sets in, maybe they will settle down and if the wind cooperates, we can end the day with the balloon glow. What a great way to bring to a close this year's Cherry Blossom Festival.

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