Friday, May 22, 2009

Last school day for the kids

On a side is the last day of school for the kids around here. HURRAY! As that I work for the school district, the summers are quite busy for us...but without the students being in the schools, we can get a lot more work completed in a short time. And as a former teacher, I can tell you that the instructional staff will be relieved when 3:30 gets here this afternoon too!

As that this is also a Flashback Friday entry....I thought that I would try to find an old photo related to school, to celebrate it being the last school day. I didn't like most of my own photos, so I am posting one of my mom! I am sure that she will be thrilled....not! But in any case, here she is as a young lady, about 8 years old.

1 comment:

Mom said...

What can I say? That was an era of home perms!!!